An epic battle to decide to whom the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory belong...

Basileian Kings: The Family Tree

Timothian and Agapetos
Adrihroth                 Katartisis, Joshuan

King Adrihroth and Queen Arlixania  the first King and Queen of Basileia
Adrinorth                 Katartisis, Chrestotes, Meletao, Choros, Stersoma, Strateuma, Timios

King Adrinorth and Queen Anisiya
Kuria, Adornoth        Raham, Yatab, Rason, Emunah   

King Adornoth and Queen Rea
Adorhroth                  Milhamah, Yatab

King Adorhroth and Queen Mahar

King Adorroth and Queen Hesed
Addir, Saleah, Sameah, Ranan, Adelphe, Arorhroth

King Arorhroth and Queen Tahor

Aroroth and Mayhiyel died before coming into the Kingship
Aramoth                Aramiel

King Aramoth and Queen Eleutheria
Tiphereth, Arrabon, Hoplon, Agathosune, Eilikrineia, Ischus, Nikao, Artios, Katharos